The purity and impact of the ‘Annunciation’ watercolour, is followed by the ‘Recollection and Renewal’ oil paintings. Similar in format they vary in process, materials and meaning. Built up over time, starting with spontaneous gestures in lively colours, gradually overlaid by pensive blues and darker tones. Then worked into again, until they found resolution through the rediscovery that evokes their earlier incarnations. In their current form the dark tones resonate against the brighter, livelier colours deep within creating a dialogue with their own past. ‘The Elegies’ watercolours are a response to Rilke’s ‘Duino Elegies’. They are linked with the ‘Annunciation, Resurrection, Incarnation’, series first shown in 2006, and harked back to by the ‘Recollection and Renewal’ oil paintings.

Annunciation watercolour and gouache paper (23 x 32cm)